We’ve Come To The End Of The Road

Well, sadly we’ve come to the end of the 2008 regular season. Our beloved Cardinals did not make the playoff for the second year in a row. But just like last year, it wasn’t without them doing everything they could to play in October. The player’s that is. The front office & coaching staff let them down big time. But I’ll get to that later. They’ve got one game to left in the year, and if they win & sweep the Reds right out of town, they’ll finish ten games above .500 for the season. And that’s something no one, not you, not me, not anyone who follows the game of baseball realistically thought this team had a snowballs chance in hell of accomplishing.

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LeRoi Moore 1961-2008

What a bad day. It is truly a sad day. LeRoi Moore, saxophonist for the Dave Matthews Band died Tuesday afternoon from complications stemming from injuries he suffered from an ATV accident back in June. I didn’t even know he was hurt & sick. Like most things, because I’ve spent the last 5 years taking care of dad, I’ve lost track of what I considered my favorite band. But I still never stopped listening to their music. I can’t believe he’s gone. It seams like just yesterday I made the road trip to Cville & watched the band play an amazing concert with my friend Jeff at UVA. He’s a big DMB fan as well. I can’t believe that was 2001. How could that be? This is just awful, awful news.

On top of that, IZZY’s career could be over. If true, this truly is a sad day in Cardinal land. It’s a damn shame he didn’t get to go out on his own terms with at least 300 saves. He’s taken so much heat the past three seasons, it’s just so wrong for him & his family if this really is the end of his career.

This was just bad, bad day. Life is just so unfair. RIP LeRoi. Thanks for the memories IZZY.

Bad day. Bad, bad day.

Ladies And Gentleman

I give you your 2008 St. Louis Cardinals bullpen

Nuff said

Just When You Think You’ve Seen Everything

Aaron F’ing Miles does the unimaginable.


His name is Aaron F’ing Miles. And he is a ball player.

Bring on the Brew Crew.

A Season On The Brink

Well that was a fun 4th of July weekend wasn’t it? Every one enjoy the fireworks, BBQ’s & picnics? Wasn’t watching the Cardinals take care of those north side losers just awesome? I mean the way the O ate “Big Z” alive Friday night, and then beat those two soft tossing lefty’s into the ground Saturday & Sunday afternoons was a thing of beauty. Wasn’t it?

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Happy Birthday America

As we celebrate our nations birthday this long 4th of July weekend, I just want to tell every one to be safe out there. And keep in mind those who have served, and are currently serving our country overseas. No matter you opinion on the war, they all have volunteered to serve & keep our country free. Thats something you & I can’t say about ourselves.

From all of us at ATAW, thank you to all our service men & women. Without your sacrifice, our country wouldn’t be half as great as it is today.

And GO CARDINALS! Sweep those losers from the south side right out of town!

Till next time, this is Jonny Bone reminding every one, yes, even you. That the light at the end of the tunnel may be you.

Always keep makin it bounce.


Elvis Has Left The Building

Truly this is a sad day in Cardinal Nation. Because you see, our loudest pro Cardinal voice in the media has gone silent. Will Leitch has left his position as editor of Deadspin for bigger & supposedly better things. (New York Magazine? Are you F’king kidding me Will? Are you sure that’s even a real magazine?)

Any way, I don’t look at this like every one else does. Meaning the rest of the planet simply sees that Deadspin is losing its editor, it’s leader, hell even it’s very reason for existing in Will’s exodus. No, I take this loss a lot more personally because of what color I bleed. And that’s Cardinal Red.

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DK 57

Today marks the sixth anniversary of the passing of beloved Cardinals pitcher, husband & father, Darryl Kyle. I remember exactly where I was when I heard the news.

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Momma’s, Please Let Your Boys Grow Up To Be MLB Ball Players

I wish I had some thing good to say tonight about the Cardinals & their just concluded series vs the F’Ing Royals. The starting pitching was really good. There, that’s the only good thing I can say about the Red Birds. So instead of rehashing that mess, and looking forward to the fun that awaits the Cards in F’ing bean town this weekend, I’m going to post the top 50 career earners in MLB history. And I urge each and every one of you parents, aunts & uncles out there, to ever so gently, (I SAID GENTLY PEOPLE!!!!) push your sons towards a career as a MLB player. I ran across this list by accident looking for some thing else at Baseball Reference, and I just had to post it. I have two nephews, and HUGE has NATE DOGG, so of those kids is going to make it to the show. I guarantee it. And once I post the list after the jump, you’ll understand why. It’s jaw dropping the amount of coin these guys have made. I am literally stunned at some of the name on this list. There are some guys on here that are truly average players. But the amounts they’ve earned during their careers is simply stunning. And guess what folks? The salaries are only going higher & higher & higher & higher.

So without further a due, I give you the top 50 money earners in MLB history.

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Jack Buck 1924 – 2002

Today mark the sixth anniversary of the day we lost Jack Buck. It goes without saying that ATAW wouldn’t be ATAW without Jack. I can’t even begin to express how much the man has meant to me personally. To this day, almost every time I hear his voice I get a little choked up & get some tears in my eyes. My favorite memories of him are not really good years for our Cardinals. I used to spend at least a month down on my grandparents farm in south east Missouri every summer. And they didn’t have cable, so the only way I could follow the Cardinals was by listening to Jack & Mike call the games on KMOX. Those years were mainly from 1988 – 1996. And even though those were for the most part very lean years, they will always have a special place in my heart because for almost every summer night, I’d fall asleep listening to Jack.

Here is the last time we all got to see Jack. It’s one of his finer moments. Not just as a broadcaster, but as a human being.

And I dare any one to watch this without losing it.

Thanks for every thing Jack. You will never be forgotten.

Till next time, this is Jonny Bone reminding every one, yes, even you. That the light at the end of the tunnel, may be you.

Go crazy folks! Go crazy!